F** King Delicious Chocolate With Choco Coconut 100G (AllNutrition)

F** King Delicious Milk Choco With Coconut 100G (All Nutrition). The ALLNUTRITION brand has created even more delicious chocolates without added sugar. In them you will not find glucose or fructose syrups either, and instead you can enjoy a high percentage of protein.
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F** King Delicious Milk Choco With Coconut 100G (All Nutrition).

Have you ever had a time during the day when you craved a treat? However, did the feeling that it was a wrong decision discourage you from sweetening the moment? Or have you ever felt guilty and had the feeling that you did something wrong after eating even a small amount of sweets?

We can fix it!

With the ALLNUTRITION brand, you will no longer be tormented by such problems. Instead, you will begin to enjoy and savor your moments with sweets. Legitimate sweets that will sweeten even the darkest and most exhausting day come to the rescue in such situations.

The ALLNUTRITION brand has created even more delicious chocolates without added sugar. In them you will not find glucose or fructose syrups either, and instead you can enjoy a high percentage of protein. Each Fitking Delicious Chocolate from ALLNUTRITION contains an added whey protein, making this product versatile.

Chocolate and complete protein!

Each bar contains whey protein isolate and concentrate, i.e. fast-absorbing protein fractions that provide the body with essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce. Proteins with this composition are called complete or highly bioavailable.

51 Items

Data sheet

Food characteristics
No added sugars
Coconut, Chocolate

Specific References

New product
Edulcorante: maltitol,manteca de cacao, pasta de cacao, leche en polvo, coco rallado (10%), suero de leche en polvo, suplemento proteico (concentrado de proteína de suero de leche, suero de leche concentrado en polvo, aislado de proteína de suero de leche, cacao bajo en grasa, espesante: goma de celulosa, sal, antiaglomerante: dióxido de silicio, edulcorante: sucralosa), emulgente: lecitinas. Chocolate con leche: sólidos de cacao: 35% mínimo.

Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco. No consumir si es alérgico a alguno de los ingredientes. El consumo excesivo puede tener un efecto laxante.

Nutrition Facts / 100 g

Nutritional information F** King Delicious Milk Choco With Coconut 100G (All Nutrition)Catálogo Productos

Dose 100 gr.

Amount Per Serving
Energy 531kcal
Proteins 9.7 gr.
Carbohydrates 40 gr.
Sugars 12 gr.
Polyalcohols 27 gr.
Fats 41 gr.
Saturated 27 gr.
Salt 0.2 gr.
Allergens Puede contener frutos secos y cacahuetes.

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