Other burners

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STIMULANT - BURNER - DIURETIC Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system reducing fatigue and providing energy. It also has properties on reducing fat tissue and water.
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CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID - CLARINOL Essential fatty acid with multiple benefits for the body, among which the reduction of body fat and the increase / maintenance of muscle mass stand out.
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CHROMIUM PICOLINATE Chromium picolinate contributes to the regulation of blood glucose, minimizing anxiety and appetite and improving fat loss and the acquisition of lean muscle tissue.
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THERMOGENIC CAFFEINE-FREE Stimulates the loss of fat tissue without stimulating effect.
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FEASE BURNER An all-natural fat burner that includes componentes that regulate appetite and promote diuresis (elimination of water).
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DIURETIC (WATER REMOVAL) The formula of Squeeze® contains natural ingredients with diuretic action that will help you eliminate the liquids deposited under the skin, respecting the water that is stored in the muscles and helping the loss of subcutaneous water that...
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ANTI-CELLULITE AND REDUCING GEL FOR WOMEN Anti-cellulite gel and heat effect reducer, especially intended for women, with special effectiveness in localized fat located in the hips, buttocks, legs and abdomen.
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It mobilizes and inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids (fats) and reduces appetite and anxiety to eat.
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PURE CLA Food supplement, helps maintain weight and a stylized figure. It is a natural source of conjugated linoleic acid. (CLA). It can reduce body fat and at the same time, increase lean muscle mass.
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GREEN TEA (Quamtrax). Great antioxidant, diuretic and natural nerve activator.
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ABSTEEL, the most effective treatment for men against abdominal fat.
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Celluless , the most effective treatment for women against fat in the abdomen, buttocks and hips. Efficacy tests performed 'in vivo' and 'in vitro'.
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Absteel®, 60 cap is the new and effective burner of Sculpt® gauze
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Lipo 6 CLA 45CAPS (Nutrex). E s una forma altamente concentrada del ácido linoleico conjugado natura.
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CLA 1000MG 120SOFTPERLS (Big) CLA (Ácido Linoléico Conjugado) de BIG® es un un ácido graso Omega-6 elaborado con Tonalin®, considerada como la marca de CLA líder en la industria de la suplementación por su seguridad y efectividad.
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Chromium Picolinate 90CAPS (Big).  El picolinato de cromo tiene propiedades para adelgazar. Es un compuesto producido a partir de cromo y ácido picolínico. Su función en el metabolismo sirve para mejorar la absorción de los alimentos, desperdiciar menos partes y evitar la...
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CLA 90CAPS (Be Essential).  Elimina los cúmulos de grasa manteniendo tu tono muscular.
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Fat Blocker 120CAPS (Be Essential). Complemento alimenticio a base de Chitosan.
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Complemento alimenticio a base de ácido Linolecios conjugado con aceite de Cártamo. 