Vegetarians and vegans

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CHOCOLATE CREAM WITH HAZELNUTS Chocolate cream with hazelnuts and 100% vegetable proteins (rice and pea), without added sugar or salt. Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. Palm Oil Free Gluten Free No salt added No added sugar Non-GMO...
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100% Crushed Toasted Peanut. No added trans fats, no added sugar or salt. 100% Natural
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Premium quality rice flour available in a wide range of delicious flavors. Perfect to add to your shakes and prepare recipes with a source of carbohydrates of great nutritional value and a minimum contribution of fats and sugars.
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100% CRUNCHY CRUSHED PEANUT WITHOUT ADDITIVES Delicious and irresistible peanut butter with a crunchy touch. 100% natural!
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100% CRUNCHY CRUSHED PEANUT WITHOUT ADDITIVES Delicious and irresistible peanut butter with a crunchy touch. 100% natural!
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Delicious peanut butter with mild biscuit flavor. Palm free and no added sugars!
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100% natural roasted peanut butter.
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Thanks to its 85 mg of caffeine from natural sources alone, it gives you a real boost, sharpens your alertness and improves your concentration** before a demanding workout
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Sliced bread made 100% with whole wheat flour and with a high protein intake.
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Made with the best PROTEIN BUN ingredients from QUAMTRAX is designed to fit any healthy diet, they are low in carbohydrates, high in protein, rich in fiber and absolutely delicious! .
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Peanut butter powder low fat. It allows you to create peanut butter with the perfect consistency, after adding water.
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Harina de Avena Good Morning® 1.5KG (Max Protein).  Descubre las harinas de avena aromatizadas de la gama Good Morning® de Max Protein®, elaboradas mediante un proceso superior de doble micronizado, endulzadas con nuestra exclusiva doble fórmula de Splenda-Stevia y...
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Deliciosa crema de coco vegana con almendreras y virutas de coco. ¡No contiene grasa de Palma, ni azúcar añadido! 
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ESFERA DE CEREAL EXTRUÍDO CON CHOCOLATE Esferas de cereal extrusionado grageado con chocolates de diferentes sabores, con edulcorante, sin azúcar añadido, con vitaminas y minerales y apto para vegetarianos. ¡Apto para veganos! 