Lunches and dinners

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Delicious chicken breast with tomato sauce made with 100% natural ingredients. HIGH IN PROTEIN AND ALMOST ZERO IN FATS AND CARBOHYDRATES.
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Cooked turkey breast, rich in proteins with minimal contribution of fats and carbohydrates.
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Forget about the tedious task of peeling boiled eggs. With Silicone egg you will have the eggs peeled and ready to eat.
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The natural light tuna of Ribeira is canned tuna with the highest protein intake on the market, a source of natural protein, rich in omega 3 and low in saturated fat.
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Juicy Natural Chicken Breast ready to be consumed at any time. It provides 26gr. of Protein per serving. No additives Gluten Free Lactose Free Natural Source of Protein
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NATURAL SALMON (Ribeira ) Natural protein salmon is 100% natural, low in fat, natural source of Omega 3, with a high protein value, gluten-free
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NATURAL HAKE (Ribeira). Natural hake from Ribeira is a product that contains hake canned with mineral water and Himalaya salt, ideal for those who want to consume a healthy product, without chemical additive and highly healthy that offers Omega 3, vitamins and minerals...
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Natural Norwegian Salmon, in its own juice. Rich in Protein and Omega 3.
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Peanut butter powder low fat. It allows you to create peanut butter with the perfect consistency, after adding water.
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Chicken in spicy Asian sauce with rice. Juicy pieces of chicken with rice in intense Asian sauce. Food rich in protein, intended for active people.
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Chicken in spicy curry sauce with rice. Juicy pieces of chicken with rice in intense curry sauce. Protein-rich food, intended for active people
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Chicken in spicy Mexican sauce with rice. Juicy pieces of chicken with rice in intense Asian sauce. Food rich in protein, intended for active people.
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Chicken in Tuscan sauce with pasta. Juicy pieces of chicken with pasta in aromatic Tuscan sauce. Distinctive in taste, food rich in proteins, intended for active people.
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Natural Norwegian Salmon, in its own juice. Rich in Protein and Omega 3.
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Salsa Mexicana Pendeja Medium Chilli 290ML (Max Protein).    Esta salsa lleva chile, con un tono picante medio, que realzará el sabor de tus comidas. 
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Salsa Mexicana Chingona Super Hot Chilli 290ML (Max Protein).  Lanza un grito al más puro estilo ay, ay, ay! y atrévete con esta salsa extremadamente picante, sin azúcar añadido, bajo en calorías, sin grasas.
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Salsa Louisiana BBQ Sweet & Golden 290ML (Max Protein).  Salsa Barbacoa estilo Lousiana de bajo valor energético con edulcorante.  Sin azúcar añadido, bajo en calorías y 100% con ingredientes naturales.
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Salsa Ketchup Curry 290ML (Max Protein). 
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NATURAL TURKEY BREAST (Ribeira) Natural Turkey Breast Ribeira 160 G is chosen and selected very carefully from the best pieces to subsequently prepare its exclusive process of canning raw of a single piece that allows to better preserve all its properties.
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True Flavors (Saborizante en polvo) 120G (Max Protein).  Descubre la nueva forma de dar alegría a tus platos con los nuevos saborizantes TRUE FLAVORS de Max Protein®, ¡bajos en calorías y muy altos en sabor!
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Brown Rice Cakes With Himalayan Salt 12X120G (Quamtrax).  Tortita de arroz integral orgánico con sal del Himalaya.
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Brown Rice Chips 8X25G (Quamtrax).  Chips de arroz integral orgánico, varios sabores. 
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Protein Pancake 1KG (Quamtrax).   Alimento a base de harina de avena y clara de huevo para hacer tortitas. Contiene edulcorante