Mass Tech Elite 3,2KG (Muscletech)

ADVANCED WEIGHT WINNER Mass Tech Elite is an advanced muscle mass winner designed for anyone who finds it difficult to increase their size or for those who want to gain more muscle strength and power.
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The new Mass Tech Performance Series is an advanced muscle mass winner designed for anyone who finds it difficult to increase their size or for those who want to gain more muscle strength and power.


Powered by 80 grams of protein and 1170 mass-produced calories (when mixed with 2 cups of skim milk) this powerful formula is greatly enhanced with proven anabolic conductors for rapid increase in muscle mass and strength!

Best quality calories designed to gain muscle mass

Mass Tech Performance Series is the most versatile weight gainer available on the market that can be taken once a day or divided into two servings to consume separately. The powerful new formula now offers a massive 1,170-calorie serving derived from high-quality protein and fast-assimilating carbohydrates, as well as healthy fats.

More protein per serving than other weight gainers

The new and improved formula has 80gr. of a Multi-phase Protein System that supplies fast, medium and slow digestion proteins. This multi-phase protein system provides the essential amino acids to the body at different rates of release, maintaining a constant and prolonged flow of amino acids into the blood.

More BCAAs and L-leucine per serving than other weight gainers

The dose of protein formula when mixed with 2 cups of skim milk provides a whopping 7g of L-leucine and 13g of BCAAs, these help fuel your muscles, preserve muscle glycogen stores and reduce protein breakdown.

Amino acids added to enhance effects

Beyond the key ingredients it provides, the Mass Tech Performance Series also provides additional ingredients, such as a 3-gram dose of L-alanine. L-alanine is the second most used amino acid after L-leucine in protein synthesis. They have even been observed to play an important role in the production of glucose to generate usable energy. The formula also provides a 3-gram dose of glycine, an amino acid that can aid in the formation of many other biological compounds in the body, such as protein and creatine. Mass Tech Performance Series also includes Taurine as it is the second most abundant amino acid in muscle after glutamine.

Generate force faster

Unlike other leading winners that contain little or no creatine, the Mass Tech Performance Series delivers a clinically validated 10-gram dose to rapidly increase strength.

Helps replenish glycogen stores

Mass-Tech supplies you with 168 grams of carbohydrates through a multi-phase carbohydrate complex that raises insulin spikes, quickly transports creatine into muscle and promotes muscle glycogen replenishment, helping to put the body into an anabolic state.

Formulated with Omega-rich fats (Healthy Fats)

The broad-spectrum formula of the Mass Tech Performance Series contains less saturated fat than other weight gainers and is formulated with 5 grams of Omega-rich fats, which provides energy with high caloric density.

374 Items

Data sheet

Aminocacides, Creatine, Protein
Muscle mass
Dosage per container
Cookies&Cream, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla

Specific References

New product


Maltodextrina, mezcla de proteínas (36%) (Concentrado de Proteína de Suero), Caseinato de calcio, albúmina de huevo, aislado de proteína de suero, concentrado de proteína de suero hidrolizada, creatina monohidrato (1%), aroma, colorante (carbonato de calcio), emulgente (lecitinas soja), espesantes (goma guar), edulcorantes (acesulfamo K, sucralosa), encapsulado de triglicéridos de cadena media (triglicéridos de cadena media (aceite palmiste), jarabe de glucosa, proteína de leche, estabilizante (fosfatos de potasio), antiaglomerante (fosfato de calcio)

No está diseñado para ser utilizado por personas menores de 18 años. No lo use si está embarazada o amamantando. Consulte a un médico si tiene una condición médica o antes de comenzar cualquier dieta o programa de ejercicios. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco.



No está diseñado para ser utilizado por personas menores de 18 años. No lo use si está embarazada o amamantando. Consulte a un médico si tiene una condición médica o antes de comenzar cualquier dieta o programa de ejercicios. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco.

Nutrition Facts / 100 g

Nutritional information Mass Tech Elite Vainilla Cake Flavour

Dose 1 Porción (5 cucharadas) con agua.

Dosage per container Aprox. 14 servicios.

Daily Dose 1 Porción ( 5 cucharadas)

Amount Per Serving
Energy 870 Kcal.
Proteins 63 gr.
Creatine monohydrate 3 gr.
Carbohydrates 138 gr.
Sugars 11.2 gr.
Fibre 0.5 gr.
Fats 7.1 gr.
Saturated 5.2 gr.
Cholesterol 190 mg.
Salt 0.33 gr.
Aspartic acid (DDA) 7.18 gr.
Glutamic acid 11.4 gr.
Alanine 3.24 gr.
Arginine 1.56 gr.
Cystine 1.22 gr.
Phenyalinine 2.05 gr.
Glycine 1.21 gr.
Histidine 1.13 gr.
Isoleucine 4.08 gr.
Leucine 6.79 gr.
Lysine HCL 5.87 gr.
L Glutamine (such as whey protein, calcium caseinate, egg albumin, L-glutamine) 10,4 gr.
L Isoleucine (as whey protein, calcium caseinate, egg albumin, L-isoleucine) 4,1 gr.
L Leucine (as whey protein, calcium caseinate, egg albumin, L-leucine) 6,5 gr.
L Valine (such as whey protein, calcium caseinate, egg albumin, L-valine) 3,4 gr.
Methionine 2.05 gr.
Proline 3.13 gr.
Serine 4.37 gr.
Tyrosine 1.68 gr.
Threonine 4.37 gr.
Tryptophan 1.08 gr.
Valine 3.83 gr.
Papain 50 mg.
Amylase 50 mg.
Allergens Leche, Huevo, soja
Calcium 750 mg. Iron 4,7mg.
Sodium 340 mg.
Mezcle 1 porción (5 cucharadas) con 475ml de agua o leche desnatada y consuma dos veces al día, ya sea por la mañana, entre comidas o entrenando. Para obtener los mejores resultados, use una licuadora. Beba de 8 a 10 vasos de agua al día para la salud general de los alimentos.

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