Creatine Monohydrate 300G (QNT)

CREATINE MONOHYDRATE (QNT) . Helps improve performance. Increase muscle congestion . Contributes to a better recovery.
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Creatine monohydrate powder is the ideal supplement for athletes who want to improve their strength or explosiveness. The creatine we offer is pure and ideal in combination with intensive short series training. It also allows for a better Recovery after exercise. Creatine powder is the ideal complement for athletes who want to improve their performance or who want to reach a new level.

Once absorbed, creatine monohydrate is stored primarily in the muscles. Taking 3g of creatine monohydrate in combination with a short-term intense physical exercise workout will improve your physical abilities. It will play a role in the supply of Energy and muscle congestion


Creatine is a substance that can be provided through foods such as meat or fish. It can also be naturally synthesized by the body through certain organs such as the liver and pancreas. Creatine is derived from 3 amino acids which are: arginine, glycine and methionine. It has many advantages to optimize your workouts. In fact, by increasing creatine stores in the body, its intake will improve athletic performance.


The pure creatine monohydrate that we offer you will have many benefits to improve your workouts. Its intake, ideal in case of successive series of intense exercises, will allow you to improve your physical performance. The effects of creatine will accelerate muscle development by providing energy, strength and resistance to muscles.

Creatine monohydrate allows a release of energy thanks to the acceleration of ATP synthesis that it causes within the body. As ATP stores are quickly depleted, taking creatine is essential to increase your production and provide additional energy. This energy gained will allow a Gain of explosiveness during your workouts.

In addition to improving your physical performance, creatine monohydrate will also promote protein synthesis. This action allows you to gain muscle volume in addition to enhancing physical recovery. The feeling of tiredness will then be reduced and you will be able to train more intensely.


By giving you energy to face your workouts in addition to contributing to a better recovery, creatine is ideal if you perform a workout that requires intense exercise. Its grip will allow you to be ready to attack your next training set.

Taking creatine is ideal if you are looking to progress and stagnate. Thanks to its multiple benefits, its action within your muscles will allow you to pass one more level breaking the glass ceiling you face. Since creatine is found almost exclusively in meat or fish, taking it is also ideal for vegetarians who may be deficient and want to get an optimal level of creatine.

Creatine monohydrate powder improves physical performance during short but intense exercise sessions. To make the most of its action, it is recommended to take it before exercise, that is, just before training. For optimal effect, a 4-week cure is recommended and can be repeated several times a year.

680 Items

Data sheet

Creatine, Creatine
Improved strength, Muscle mass
Dosage per container

Specific References

New product
Monohidrato de creatina 100%

Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta variada y equilibrada. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños más pequeños. No superar la dosis diaria expresamente recomendada.

Other Warnings:

Después de usar, cerrar herméticamente el bote, y no exponerlo al calor.

Nutrition Facts / 100 g

Nutritional information CREATINE MONOHYDRATE 300G (QNT)

Dose 3 gr.

Dosage per container 100

Daily Dose 3 gr.

Amount Per Serving
Energy 0 Kcal.
Proteins 0 gr.
Creatine monohydrate 3000 mg.
Carbohydrates 0 gr.
Sugars 0 gr.
Salt 0 gr.
El efecto beneficioso se obtiene con el consumo diario de 3g de creatina, combinado con ejercicios físicos muy intensos. mezcle 3 g por día en agua o jugo de frutas antes del ejercicio durante un máximo de 4 semanas

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