SUPER GREENS 200G. (Yamamoto Nutrition)

Yamamoto®, Nutrition Super GREENS is a formula based on a combination of more than 50 phytonutrients from plant extracts, fruit and vegetable concentrates, vitamins and minerals.
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Yamamoto® Nutrition Super GREENS is a supplement composed solely and exclusively of natural active ingredients based on vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. It does not contain sugars, which are often found in similar products.

Super GREENS was a very successful product: the new version is a unique product, the only one on the market that has the inclusion of several patents along with a base of concentrated plant extracts of fruits and vegetables, with the addition of adaptogens and immunostimulants.

This 'team' of elements with a powerful synergistic antioxidant, detoxifying, alkalizing and rehydrating effect consists of:

- Spirulina algae: unicellular blue algae found in brackish waters, rich in chlorophyll (from which it takes its dark green color) and spiral-shaped. Rich in protein, essential amino acids and lipids, it also contains several vitamins and antioxidants. It has been shown to have several health benefits, strengthening the immune system and counteracting fatigue.

- Freeze-dried coconut water: it is the transparent and translucent liquid obtained from the green fruits of the coconut plant. A natural energy drink, it contains a good concentration of electrolytes but very few carbohydrates and fats.

- VitaCherry (Montmorency tart cherry): millenary variety of tart cherry® of French origin, improves the complex processes of muscular and neuroendocrine recovery after intense activity.

- VitaBerry® (mix of red fruits): rich in antioxidants, vitamins, phenolic substances, minerals and fibers, red fruits can be classified as Superfoods. They activate the body's defenses, help cell detoxification and protect the body against attacks by free radicals and premature aging.

- VitaVeggie® (mixture of green leafy vegetables): concentrate of numerous plant extracts, characterized by a high concentration of polyphenols, anthocyanins, lycopene, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, quercetin and other micronutrients with antioxidant action, which are normally found in vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, carrots, garlic, onion and beets.

- Chlorella: a green algae found in the brackish waters of equatorial Africa, rich in nutrients and recognized by the Ministry of Health for its antioxidant properties, supports the body's natural defenses and cleansing functions.

- KSM-66® Ashwagandha: Indian ginseng root extract, it is undoubtedly one of the most effective adaptogenic plants. It helps the body modulate its stress response, while also regulating metabolic functions.

- Cordyceps: it is the name of a mushroom, used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine, with tonic-revitalizing properties. This substance is believed to improve the immune system and neutralize free radicals.

- Echinacea: this plant has different active ingredients depending on the variety. The main constituents are flavonoids, chlorogenic acid derivatives, polyphenols, glycoproteins, aquilamides, essential oils and polyenes. It has antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulant properties, so we can say that it stimulates and enhances our immune system.

Data sheet

Antioxidant, Health Improvement, Strengthens the immune system
Dosage per container

Specific References

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agente de carga: isomalt; alga espirulina (Spirulina platensis (Gomont) Geitler) thallus (una célula) en polvo, agua de coco liofilizada (de fruto de Cocos nucifera L.), VitaCherry® Sport (cereza negra de Montmorency (Prunus cerasus L.) fruta en polvo liofilizada), mezcla de vegetales HiFiber VitaBerry® en polvo (frutas y verduras en proporción variable: manzana fruta, fresa fruta, cereza fruta, mora fruta, arándano fruta, plátano fruta, arroz semilla), HiFiber VitaVeggie® mezcla de plantas en polvo (frutas y verduras en proporción variable: manzana fruta, remolacha raíz, brócoli partes aéreas, zanahoria raíz, espinacas hojas, tomate fruta, pimiento dulce fruta, coles de Bruselas brotes comestibles, jengibre raíz, ajo bulbo, cebolla bulbo, perejil hojas, coliflor partes aéreas, coliflor hojas, repollo negro hojas, pepino fruta, apio hojas, espárrago raíz), aromas, alga clorella (Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck) talo (una célula) en polvo, acidificante: ácido cítrico; antiaglomerantes: talco, dióxido de silicio; KSM-66® Ashwagandha Root Extract (contiene leche) [extracto seco de Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal) raíz 5% withanolides], extracto seco de cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis (Berck.) Sacc.) cuerpo fructífero 7% ácido cordicéptico, edulcorante: glicósidos de esteviol; extracto seco de equinácea (Echinacea angustifolia DC.) raíz, gluconato de zinc, acetato de DL-alfa-tocoferilo (vitamina E), clorhidrato de piridoxina (vitamina B6), L-selenometionina, beta-caroteno (vitamina A), colecalciferol (vitamina D), cianocobalamina (vitamina B12), ácido pteroilmonoglutámico (ácido fólico), yoduro de potasio. VitaCherry® Sport, HiFiber VitaBerry®, HiFiber VitaVeggie® are registered trademarks of VDF FutureCeuticals, Inc.
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