Black Burn Micronized by Stacker2 is a very advanced formula that contains key natural ingredients that guarantee weight loss in an exceptional way, suppressing appetite and helping to effectively increase fat metabolism, which is essential to achieve the goals you have set yourself faster and more effectively. And besides... IT IS POWDER!
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Black Burn Micronized from Stacker2 Europe is a powdered supplement that contains a new version of the fat burning formula that will cause an extreme increase in metabolism, as well as great energy and a reduction in hunger.

Stacker2 became a myth when more than ten years ago it revolutionized the world market with the most powerful and effective fat burners ever developed. This position was further strengthened with the creation of bestsellers such as Stacker 4 and 7-Phenylstack.  After years of research,     Stacker2 Europe is now launching the powder version of the most powerful and effective product on the market: Black Burn Micronized.

Stacker2 Europe's Black Burn Micronized   Highlights :

- The most powerful fat burner in the U.S.

- With 10 powerful ingredients to speed up metabolism.

- Now with ketones, one of the best new ingredients on the market. 

- Extreme increase in fat metabolism.

- Provides energy while suppressing hunger.

- Reduce your fat percentage faster than ever.

- 60 servings per container.

Black Burn Micronized is a unique formula, containing key ingredients backed by scientific studies. We only bring you the best ingredients, for the best results! This formula contains ketones from raspberry extract. In recent years, professional athletes have used ketones to reach the defined physique point they need for competitions on time. Ketones are one of the best new ingredients on the market.

An unparalleled thermogenic experience.

But there's more, this powder version contains a never-before-seen combination of 10 ingredients to speed up your metabolism. In addition to the ketones mentioned above, it contains garcinia cambogia extract, choline, ginseng, various types of tea extracts, guarana, and pepper extract.

Unlike most weight loss supplements in our catalog, Black Burn Micronized has not been designed in capsules, but in powder form (5 grams of dosage), which dissolves easily in a glass of water. The great advantage of the powder is that the product is absorbed more quickly by the body. It even absorbs some of the extracts through your palate directly into your mouth! Thanks to this, you might feel that Black Burn Micronized works in just a couple of minutes. In addition to the quick effect, it's easier to split a dose if it's in powder form (like half a dose in the afternoon so you don't have trouble sleeping at night). 

Making a powerful fat burner seems easier than it is.

It is not so much about the ingredients contained in each service, but above all about the quality of the extracts (the amount of active alkaloids), in the right dose per ingredient. While other manufacturers develop a formula on paper, Stacker goes much further. It spares no expense to manufacture extracts that sometimes have doses three or four times higher of the active alkaloid per gram.  

Once a formula is developed, it is approved. The tests refer both to the sensation produced by the product (energy boost, decrease in the feeling of hunger ...), and its final objective: to stimulate fat burning.

The big difference between Black Burn and other fat burners

As we have already said, the strength of an effective fat burner lies in the quality of the extracts and in the elaboration of a composition with an optimal proportion between the ingredients.

NVE Pharmaceuticals, the American manufacturer of Stacker, has acquired over more than ten years an unparalleled expertise and applies it to the Black Burn formula .

Let's take as an example a relatively simple ingredient such as caffeine. If you ingest 150 mg of caffeine six times a day, you can increase fat burning by 30%. But if you supplement it with 300 mg of EGCG (green tea) and a fraction of vitamin B12, you stimulate even more fat burning, increasing its efficiency and speed by 45%.

To illustrate what this means in practice, you can think of an additional fat burning of 240 Kcal a day, or a kilo more fat that you lose per month.

Attention: This is purely an additional fat burning through the correct use of the ingredients. 

4 Items

Data sheet

Plant extracts, Vitamin B12, Caffeine
Fat loss, Reduces appetite
Dosage per container
Lemon, Orange

Specific References

New product



Alto contenido en cafeína (300 mg.por medidor). Complemento Alimenticio. Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta variada y equilibrada y un modo de vida sano. Este producto es para ser usado con una dieta sana y un programa de ejercicios para mejores resultados. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Este producto no es recomendado para menores de 18 años. Este producto no pretende diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad. No recomendado para mujeres embarazadas o en periodo de lactancia.

Other Warnings:

Consulta a un experto si además estás usando otros suplementos y estimulantes como la cafeína, o inhibidores de la monoamino oxidasa (maoi). No usar esteproducto si padeces una enfermedad del corazón o vascular., tensión alta, diabetes, glaucoma, enfermedades del tiroides, riñon o problemas en la próstata. Nunca excedas de 1 medidor por servicio. Nunca excedas 1 medidor en un periodo de 8 horas)

Nutrition Facts / 100 g

Nutritional information BLACK BURN Termogénico

Dose 5 g.

Dosage per container 60

Amount Per Serving
Caffeine anhydr 300 mg.
Support System (Isomaltulosa, acidificante (ácido cítrico), sistema saborizante (conteniendo aroma, colorante natural), edulcorante 36mg. (sucralosa))
Black Burn Micronized KT3X Mix 550 mg. (Cetonas (extracto de frambuesa), Camellia Sinensis (estandarizado para 50% polifenoles y EGCG) (extracto de hoja de té verde), Garcinia cambogia (estandarizado para 50% ácido hidroxicítrico [HCA] (extracto del fruto), Yerba Mate (extracto del fruto), Colina Bitartrato, Guaraná (extracto de semillas), Capsicum Annuum (extracto de la planta completa), Ginseng Siberiano (extracto de raíz), Vitamina B12 (10 mcg. cianocobalamina, IR 400%)
Disolver 1 scoop (medidor) en 200ml. de agua. Tomar 15 minutos después del desayuno. Toma otro medidor 8 horas después con el estómago vacío.

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