

Absteel®, 60 cap is the new and effective burner of Sculpt® gauze
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Absteel 60 capsules, is the new and effective fat burner of Sculpt®, the formula of Absteel® CAPS with Carnitine Tartrate generates energy and metabolic activity from accumulated fat, transports fatty acids from cells to mitochondria oxidizing fats and transforming it into energy, also increases the production of ketones that prevent protein catabolism, They save glucose and muscle glycogen and stimulate the secretion of growth hormone.

Absteel®, CAPS also contains Glucomannan, powerful and effective satiating, it is a fiber that is obtained from an Asian edible plant known as Konjac, in the stomach it is hydrated and is the fiber that obtains more volume and molecular weight giving a feeling of full, this makes you eat less, you ingest less Kcal but without going hungry or having a feeling of anxiety about food.

Garcinia Cambogia is also present in Absteel®, CAPS, an all-natural food that helps regulate appetite also for its capacity as a satiating but also has the ability to burn fat by hydroxycitric acid (HCA) controlling the transformation of hydrate into fat. Highly recommended during and after a diet to avoid the rebound effect. Garcinia also helps regulate hormones as important for stress control as serotonin and cortisol, it also helps maintain normal bad and good cholesterol levels.

The stimulants responsible for accelerating the metabolism and giving us going, put them the anhydrous Caffeine, we will appreciate from the first day an anti-fatigue effect, improving the performance in our work or training and in general in our day to day giving us better levels of dopamine / adrenaline improving our levels of attention and concentration.


We recommend taking Absteel®, CAPS before breakfast and midday lunch, with a large glass of water and 30 minutes before food intake. Start with 1 capsule before breakfast and 1 capsule before lunch, increasing the dose as we tolerate the formula to 2 capsules before breakfast and 1 CAPS before lunch.

Do not take Absteel CAPS after mid-afternoon because it can interfere with the rest of the night being this unproductive for weight loss and well-being.


L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate, Glucomannan powder (Amorphophallus konjac), Garcinia (Garcinia cambogia) dried fruit bark extract (Garcinia cambogia), Anhydrous Cafei?na, Gelatin (Ca?psula vaci?a), Anti-caking agent (Magnesium Stearate), Black Pepper powder (Piper nigrum), Bulking agent (Silicon Dioxide).

42 Items

Data sheet

Fat loss

Specific References

New product
L-Carnitina-L-Tartrato, Glucomanano polvo (Amorphophallus konjac), Extracto seco de corteza de fruto seco de Garcinia (Garcinia cambogia), Cafei?na anhidra, Gelatina (Ca?psula vaci?a), Antiaglomerante (Estearato de Magnesio), Pimienta negra en polvo (Piper nigrum), Agente de carga (Dio?xido de Silicio).

No tomar Absteel caps a partir de media tarde porque puede interferir en el descanso de la noche siendo esto improductivo para la perdida de peso y bienestar.

Nutrition Facts / 100 g

Nutritional information ABSTEEL 60CAPS (Sculpt)

Dose 2 Cápsulas

Dosage per container 30

Daily Dose 2 Cápsulas

Amount Per Serving
L-Carnitine Tartrate (CARNIPURE™) 400 mg.
Caffeine anhydr 250 mg.
Garcinia Cambogia 400 mg
Recomendamos tomar Absteel® caps antes del desayuno y de la comida del medio día, con un vaso de agua grande y 30 minutos antes de la ingesta de comida. Empezar con 1 cápsula antes del desayuno y 1 cápsula antes de la comida, subiendo la dosis a medida que toleremos la formula a 2 cápsulas antes del desayuno y 1 caps antes de la comida. No tomar Absteel caps a partir de media tarde porque puede interferir en el descanso de la noche siendo esto improductivo para la perdida de peso y bienestar.

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